Mission & Values

The primary vision: unite the fragmented liquidity across multiple money markets and chains under one safe, user-friendly, and capital-efficient omnichain protocol.

The mission, consequently, is to leverage the resources in the Radiant DAO to execute that vision.

Analysis of all the money markets concluded that Geist Finance showed the most promise in the ability to bootstrap liquidity quickly--they raised ~$10bn TVL in less than two weeks. In addition, their protocol also provided stability and security of the Aave lending pool framework.

Leveraging the Geist codebase provides a great foundation for the dev team to implement cross-chain functionality via the LayerZero communications protocol, as popularized by Stargate.

Safety & Governance

Despite utilizing existing tech stacks, Radiant Capital took many months of development, audits, and rigorous testing. The team is small but nimble; a powerhouse of varying talents spanning multiple successful DeFi projects.

As Radiant is based on Aave & Geist, many of the core contracts are upgradeable by the owner (as noted by the Solidity Audit). We understand that anonymous devs with the power to upgrade contracts may make some users uncomfortable. To mitigate these concerns, ownership of all Radiant smart contracts will be placed behind a timelocked contract with a two-day delay for any action.

We will publish the address to this contract prominently, and inform the community before any admin-related actions involving the timelock. We encourage community members to monitor inbound transactions to the time lock. Ultimately, ownership will be passed entirely to the DAO.

While we have taken every precaution to ensure the safety of user funds and instill confidence in the protocol, and despite Aave and Geist being operational without issue, this is all new technology and not without risk. Do not deposit more than you can afford to lose.

The Radiant DAO is excited to usher in what we believe to be the optimal lending and borrowing platform in DeFi. Welcome to an omnichain future. Welcome to Radiant Capital.

Last updated