Key Terms
RFP (Radiant Foundation Proposal) - a document proposing a new feature, project, activity, goal, piece of information, or change to any proposal that has already been implemented.
RFP Idea - the first step in the process of creating an official RFP, which will be presented to the community for gathering informal feedback for a period of seven (7) days.
RFP Draft - the second step in the process of creating an official RFP, which can only be submitted after the original RFP idea has gathered feedback from the community for seven days in the proper channel. An RFP draft must be submitted directly to a moderator via predetermined RFP templates.
RFP Template - the preset format for an RFP draft, which will vary slightly depending on the nature of the intended RFP.
RFP Author - the DAO member responsible for beginning the RDNT Foundation Proposal, starting with presenting the idea to the community via the proper RFP idea process. The RFP Author is responsible for incorporating relevant feedback, submitting the subsequent RFP draft via the proper RFP template to the Intake Administrator, and responding to questions or requests for clarifications from DAO members and moderators. A minimum of 2500 locked RDNT is required to engage as a RFP Author.
RFP Categories - the predetermined classification system for organizing RFPs by their nature or intent. They are: Core Proposal, Ecosystem Fund Allocation Proposal (a subcategory of Core Proposal), Brand Decision Proposal (a subcategory of Core Proposal), Principles Proposal (a subcategory of Core Proposal), Process Proposal, and Informational Proposal.
Core Proposal - a proposal that would be considered the main activities of the DAO, with subcategories that can be expanded on over time via proposal submission.
Ecosystem Fund Allocation Proposal - a proposal about how the Ecosystem Fund should be spent. A subcategory of Core Proposals.
Brand Decision Proposal - a proposal about to whom the community wants to attach its name. This is different from an Ecosystem Fund Allocation Proposal in that it can have associated costs to implement but is not at its core a proposal about Ecosystem Fund Allocation. A subcategory of Core Proposals.
Process Proposal - a proposal about making a change to a process or proposing an implementation. Examples include procedures, guidelines, changes to the decision-making process, and changes to the tools or environment of the DAO or Foundation.
Principles Proposal – a proposal for establishing and/or updating the major principles behind the distribution of the RDNT token and fees, including, but not limited to, staking, RDNT tokenomics and budget rules. A subcategory of Core Proposals.
Informational Proposal - a proposal that provides general guidelines or information to the community but does not propose a new feature.
Resubmission Proposal - a proposal that was previously submitted but did not pass either due to initial rejection by moderators or the Council, or by not passing a vote. All proposal categories have a special template for resubmission that the Author must link to the original proposal, clearly state why it did not pass, and clearly explain how the resubmission is different.
RFP Moderation - the act of reviewing an RFP to determine whether or not the RFP draft meets the predetermined and DAO-approved guidelines and therefore is eligible to move to the next step in the process. If an RFP passes RFP moderation, it becomes a Pending RFP.
Pending RFP - the RFP status after it passes RFP Moderation.
Post-Moderation Tagging - the process of tagging all Pending RFPs that have successfully made it through the RFP moderation phases. There are two tags given at this stage:
“Approved to Vote,” which is for any pending RFP where costs, content, and implications are considered to be straightforward and of no risk to the well-being of the DAO.
“Needs Administrative Review,” which is for any pending RFP with costs, content, or implications that are considered to be complicated or a potential risk to the well-being of the DAO and therefore must be reviewed by the Council of the DAO.
Administrative Review - the process of evaluating pending RFPs that have been tagged as “Needs Administrative Review” to determine whether they should be halted or sent to vote by the community.
Return for Clarification - a type of administrative classification that requires the RFP Author to clarify certain information regarding the Pending RFP. This classification would be given in cases such as cost to implement being unclear, proposing to utilize a larger percentage of the Ecosystem Fund than is justified based on the value it would provide to the community, or being in direct conflict with an active RFP.
Return for Reconstruction - a type of administrative classification that requires the proposer to restart the proposal submission process because the Pending RFP violates DAO-approved requirements, or in cases of violation of the law, reasonable suspicion of fraud or other misleading information, or the pending RFP being at odds with the mission, values, or well-being of the Foundation or DAO.
Weekly RFP Release - every Thursday at 9PM ET, when all RFPs that are ready to go live are released together in a batch.
Weekly Voting Close - when all RFPs in a Weekly RFP Release batch close for voting, which happens the following Wednesday at 9PM ET.
Live RFP - an RFP that has passed all required approval stages and is launched for the community to vote on it.
Final RFP - an RFP that has completed the voting process. There are two subcategories here: Accepted and Rejected.
Accepted Final RFP - an RFP that has met quorum requirements and received more than 50% of votes in favor of that RFP.
Implementation of Accepted Final RFP - the process of implementing an RFP that has been accepted by the community via a vote, based on the predetermined steps laid out in the Draft/Template phases.
Last updated